healthcare professional with patient



Can I eat before my chemo appointment?

Yes, you should plan to eat breakfast/ lunch as you normally would.

Can I bring someone with me to my chemo appointment?

Yes, one support person may stay with you during your treatment.

How long will my appointment take?

This depends on your chemotherapy regimen (schedule of drugs). Some treatments may take only 1-2 hours, while a longer regimen can take up to 4-5 hours.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

You may want to bring something with you to help pass the time, 比如一本书, 针织, 填字游戏, 或者手机. We have a television if you prefer to watch TV. 也, if you have a treatment that requires you to be here for a good length of time, you may want to bring a lunch. We provide beverages such as juices, 苏打水, 咖啡, and tea but you might want to bring in a snack or something a more substantial, 比如三明治, 酸奶或水果.  There is a refrigerator for your use.

How should I dress for chemo?

穿着舒适的.   It is helpful if you wear a V-neck or button-down shirt as we will need to use your port for your infusion.   You may want to bring in a sweater or shawl in case you feel cold.

Who do I call if I have questions?

Our chemotherapy nurses are available to answer your questions during office hours.

What symptoms should I call the office for?

  • 发烧超过100.5
  • Nausea and vomiting that does not go away with anti-nausea medication
  • Inability to keep down fluids
  • Any other unusual symptoms

Should I drive myself to my appointment?

No, you should have someone drive you because medications may cause fatigue after your treatment.